Friday, February 7, 2014

F*ck the System

I'm digging these multiple stories posts, they're good ways to consolidate content. After two years of blogging on anime, I realize that posts don't need super dense writing, not all the time anyway. My inner critic has died down, and I'm comfortable being a casual blogger sometimes.

At that, here's some developments on my end:


1. Kill la Kill 17

I can't say that this episode entirely surprised me, but even so, what happens here puts any and all predictions for this series on stand-by. Those of you who hate spoilers can move on to the next subject below, but for those who saw this week's masterpiece, Satsuki kills her mother as she is about to enact her plan to have all humans eaten by Life Fibers. Let me clarify: Satsuki violently pierced her mom through the heart and hurled her against  a crucifix. Symbolically I can say Ragyo fancied herself a savior for the Life Fibers, so being jammed on a cross was a nice touch. I'm waiting for something other-worldly to go on next episode if Gurren Lagann is this show's spiritual predecessor. Maybe Satsuki and Ryuko will fight the Primordeal Life Fiber and break space-time. One can only hope.

On a related note, I feel like Japanese anime writers really, really hate their parents. Most parents aren't present in anime, as they're always working. The most notable anime parents I can call up are Shinji's dad from Evangelion and Ed and Al's dad from Fullmetal Alchemist. Look how those relationships turned out. At least Kill la Kill makes the message clear: "Anime wants parents DEAD."

2. Sexy Voice and Robo

For several months now I've been reading Sexy Voice and Robo, a manga about a middle school girl who charms men through a phone club hotline, which I guess is similar to phone sex services. She goes out on detective cases for a rich old mobster and uses her voice manipulation and acute hearing to find people he's after, or people who are after him. It's sold under VIZ Media, and  I recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind non-mainstream material, which is mostly what I consume as far as manga and comics. Sexy Voice and Robo is two volumes large but I bought a bundle copy.

3. Journeying Back to GoBoiano?

Back in June 2012 I used to write for, an anime social networking start-up. I quit January 2013 to focus on my senior project, but I've recently been invited to return to their ranks. Their site's not a little start-up anymore and they seem to be doing very well, so I might have a good job on my hands in the near future. If anything, the experience thus far has taught me to value even the smallest interactions with people you have, and always try making a good impression. I sure as hell wouldn't mind an offer to secure my financial future.

That's all I've got for now. Tomorrow I'll be talking to GoBoiano's cofounder Maj about the near future. I've also got a Ghost Pain review to work on, and I need to catch up on the Claymore manga. I'll leave you guys with a boss picture of Kiryuin Satsuki. Telling you, I am in love with the art direction of Kill la Kill.



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