Sunday, February 23, 2014

Back to Origins

Woah, man! I'm so beat after this week. The future is coming quickly and I don't know if I'm ready for it. Busy co-producing and scripting a non-profit video; scripting my own fiction film; getting ready to work with GoBoiano... Good thing there's anime to help me forget my troubles, right?

1. Pokemon: Origins is on Hulu. And it's dubbed.

I've known about this project for a while, but Pokemon: Origins is surprisingly dubbed already and available on Hulu. I'm not sure about it's being on other "legal" sites. Anyway, after seeing the first episode I'll gladly come back for more. It's definitely not like the Pokemon that airs on TV nowadays. It's a re-do, and the battles here are vicious. I think you guys will like the change.

2. I finished Guilty Crown. I wish I hadn't started.

That's right, Guilty Crown isn't a show to spend time on. People will tell you the characters and soundtrack and presentation are great, but the story is horrible. I'm not even going to justify the creation of this flop from Production I. G. Whatever good ideas are in Guilty Crown - and there are great ideas here - are scrambled like eggs and then reconstituted into what passes for a series. Yikes.

The best thing to come out of this show, I'll say, is promotion of the musical acts Supercell and Egoist. They return in I.G.'s PSYCHO-PASS and make some good music there.

3. Kill la Kill is still crazy, by the way.

So this week we find out what was kinda implied after last week: Matoi Ryuko and Kiryuin Satsuki are sisters, and Kiryuin Ragyo is their mother. Craaazy! Also, Mankanshoko Mako and Gamagoori Ira seem to have a "thing" going on. I'm happy for them.

Oh, and Ryuko's become Tetsuo from Akira. It's a good look for her, the whole "I'm gonna blow up everything and run around with a cloak" look.

4. The Wind Rises will be in theaters nationwide February 28.

Been waiting to see this one for months now. It had a short run in one NY theater I couldn't go to. Now it's making a nationwide release. I hope I have money to see it this time around; at the crazy $15 it costs to go see a movie, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Enjoy your week, guys. Live it up.

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