Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Space Dandy: The Jury's Still Out?

just saw the first episode of Space Dandy, that new Shinichiro Watanabe joint that aired on adultswim. not really sure what to think of it yet. maybe next episode i'll get a better idea?

there's jokes about boobies, and butts, and about a restaurant sorta like Hooters, except it caters to alien races that ogle at human women. maybe i've become more sensitive to women's issues lately, but it doesn't seem like a clever or original, or even tasteful note to start a series on. it doesn't even feel like a Watanabe thing to do, to talk about booty booty booty booty rockin everywhere. if Johnny Bravo were turned into an anime, i guess Space Dandy would be the result, except Johnny Bravo was a little obnoxious too.

the immature sexual jive breaks down once Dandy ends up warping through dimensions and onto an alien planet. i think "psychadelic" is a good word to use here. like, the amount of animation stunts pulled off this first episode remind me of Redline, a fantastic film you should all watch if you haven't already. and "psychadelic" works for Space Dandy, the silly pseudo-disco romp that it is.

my homegirl Lauren Orsini puts it best: 

"Space Dandy is entertaining enough, with bombastic dialogue, plenty of fanservice, and explosive fights. But is there anything truly new or exceptional about it? "

eh, being against the tide of popular opinion is a regular occurrence for me, so i understand if Space Dandy continues to explode onto the 2014 anime scene. i'm also quick to judge a show, since i don't think anything worth watching takes its sweet time getting to the good stuff. we'll see where this goes.

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